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Piece of Cake : Black-bean burgers

Finally, now that the weather has finally proven it can stay above freezing for any given amount of time, it’s time to dust the ice off that grill and start the end-of-year grill parties! This time, however, instead of the usual beefy burgers, porky sausages and hot dogs, bring something new to the picnic table: savory and satisfying black-bean burgers.

  • Black-bean burgers
  • Time: 20 minutes
  • Serves: 4
  • Ingredients:
  • cooking oil
  • 1/2 small onion, diced
  • 1 15-ounce can black beans, drained
  • 2 slices bread, well crumbled
  • 3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 tablespoon chili pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • dash salt
  • a few dashes hot sauce (optional)
  • 1/2 cup cracker crumbs (I actually used crumbs from mini-pretzel sticks)

1. In a medium skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add onion; saut until translucent. Remove from heat.

2. In a large mixing bowl, mash black beans with a potato masher. Add onion, bread and spices (including hot sauce, if desired). Mix well. Add cracker (or pretzel) crumbs, and combine with hands.

3. Shape mixture into a large ball. Quarter off the ball by making scores in it with your hands. Form patties from each quarter.

4. Fire up the grill. Cook patties about 4 to 5 minutes on each side, until slightly browned. Serve with salsa, pickles or the regular hot dog/hamburger condiments.

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