Go back to Lacrosse Guide 2025

Abram Brown

At 744 Ostrom Ave., we laughed, cried, argued, yelled, screamed and acted like complete idiots. Let’s face it: It was worth every minute of it.

Shayna – I’m glad you gave me my first job. In regards to my general sanity, I despise you. I will never forget the Shayna Meliker newsroom (‘What does that even mean?’) or Baby Spice or the MayFest intro text (Oh, God…) or that time when we invented stories over Rolly Polly wraps 30 minutes before production or battling the ants with Raid. Thanks for editing my first stories and pushing me.

Dan – You have driven me effing asylum-ready insane on countless occasions. But I guess I forgive you. You’re actually a terrible person, I don’t know how we’re friends or why I’m going to share a flat with you in London. Oh well, I’ll work on your lack of a soul while we’re there. Peace, Scrooge.

Julia – Herbie’s Angel. I know, I know. You can’t help being irresistible. Hit any dingers recently? Or learned to stay in your chair? Have you finally posed for those pictures? Anyway, you have a sweet nature, and you’re a damn fine writer. See you in Spain!

Sara Tracey – The newsroom wouldn’t have been the same without you. Sirens! Next semester: be as good a leader as you can and give as much work to your staff as possible. E-mail me in London if you ever need anything. I mean it. And don’t forget: Over is spatial. Good luck. I mean that, too.

Rebecca Kheel – Aside from your trench coat, it was nice having you around this semester. Your writing and reporting skills have grown immensely. I can’t wait to see what you’re doing next semester, covering a campus-wide outbreak of fatal swine flu probably.

Bill – That third hole is a killer, isn’t it? Not going to lie, having another guy in the newsroom was awesome. It’s too bad you’re graduating while I’m gone, but if I’m in Jersey this summer, we’ll hit up the front nine.

Bethany – Start the rehab. I hope I didn’t drive you too insane.

Meredith – Thanks for not firing me. I probably deserved it countless times. Solid times this semester, and despite whatever has gone wrong this semester, I know you’ll do well with whatever you decide to do after here. *High fives!*

Conor – Let’s chase another story together someday. And if you’re foolish enough not to go into print, make sure you still get shot only from the waist up.

Jared – I appreciate you looking beyond my dick-of-the-night reputation from last semester. You always helped put things in perspective and tried to keep things light. Good luck, man. You deserve whatever you get.

Brittney – You are responsible for just about everything I know about AP Style. That Hendrick’s series better be awesome, write 20 drafts and kick ass.

Flash – You’ve had a meteoric rise. Don’t stop anytime soon. I want you to be upstairs when I get back. Keep taking things in stride, and the section will be great.

Amity – Our beloved breaking news writer. You’re passionate and a great person. My prediction: you’ll go farther than any of us.

Steph – Thanks for helping me as a young writer. You’re an absolute nut, but I still think ‘Alter Ego’ is one of the best things I’ve read this side of Chico. Drunkfest when we’re seniors? I think that’s in order.

Kelly – I am so glad you’ve come into my life. Your bright smile and crazy-but-wonderful personality has made me incredibly happy on countless occasions. I can’t think of anything else to say but this: In a month or so, we’ll be in London, and I couldn’t have hoped for anyone else but you to go with me. Happyfaces.

To everyone else who thinks I may have died sometime this semester – Sorry for the disappearing act. I’ll make it up to you next fall.

Bye guys.


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